What are the benefits of sensory integration therapy?

On January 12, 2024


Sensory integration therapy helps maintain the level arousal of brain in synch with the environment. It is sensory integration in the brain which enables us to utilize our body effectively in conducting daily living tasks efficiently in interacting with the environment. sensory integration helps develop spatial perception which is a prerequisite for reading, writing, and mathematical calculation. our sensory integration must be developed for self realization and to be confident.

If you are the parent of a young child, you will be anxious about how they perceive their environment, especially in the growing years. You will know that our senses play a significant role in we perceive the world. The sights, smells, and tactile experiences inform a child's impressions early on and often. More importantly, there two hidden senses which have enfluencing impact on on the perception of our own body known as vestibular and propriocptive senses. The child’s body from them gets to know plenty of things, including stuff that is appealing in life. These can include sensations like the fragrance of a rose, the vibrant colors of a beautiful painting, position of self in the environment, or it could be all the softness of a blanket.

Unfortunately, this happens in absence of frank brain injury that hampers their perceptions. As a result, their brains perceive these sensations otherwise.

In such cases, it is being seen that Sensory Integration Therapy can come to the rescue and offer various benefits. This treatment's benefits are physical as well as psychological. 

What does Sensory Integration Therapy do? Its Purpose

It can aid in building the mental and even the physical framework within an individual’s nervous system. It helps by providing the ability to perceive the sensory input correctly. Not only this, but it also aids in regulating the child's responses to the different stimulations. Slowly but surely, they understand the significance behind a particular texture, movement, or sound. 

What is Sensory Integration Therapy all about?

The therapy was developed in the 1960s. Sensory integration therapy is the basic process that helps to build and strengthen the connections within the child’s brain. Normal children develop these through childhood experiences. The primary aim of this treatment is to enable the child to interpret sensory input, understand its relevance, and respond. It is all the more so in terms of the external stimuli that are often beyond their control.

Treating children with Autism with the Sensory Integration Therapy

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by lack of socialization, communication and stereotyped behavior. DSM V describes autism to be more sensitivity issues. they display symptoms of sensory integrative dysfunction. It is usually an abnormal degree of sensory processing. It can either be decreased or increased. The result is that the child may appear clumsy when they walk or create difficulty with fine motor skills such as pencil control, which, in turn, can lead to delay in writing ability. Apart from this, the sensory dysfunction at times causes over-sensitivities or under-sensitivities. These can lead to mental and physical distraction or fatigue. In addition, children may suffer from problems with sight, hearing and balance can be addressed through sensory integration therapy.


To conclude, Sensation Integration Therapy is beneficial for treating autism, ADHD, Down's Syndrome and other related health problems amongst young children. So if you want the best of this therapy amongst young children in Kolkata, Sensational Child is one of the best places for you. To know more, please visit our website. 

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