Role of occupational therapy in the intervention of Down's Syndrome

On February 01, 2024


occupational therapy is the primary treatment option for the child with down's syndrome. it is so because it is the occupational therapist who addresses the basic issues which causes delay in walking, and speech development. Muscle tone, posture, and fine motor are three deficit areas which delay walking, speech production, and functional independence. occupational therapy covers the above all deficit areas and help develop fast in comparison to those who does not take occupational therapy.

Are you parents of a child with Down syndrome? If so, we understand you will always provide your child with the best treatment to treat the core issues of the disorder. Treatments to address the developmental issues of the disorder amongst children are multidsciplinary. But it is noted that out of those treatments, children's occupational therapy is one of the most effective treatments to treat the disorder. As a parent you must also understand why the problem happens. So let us see the fundamental reason that causes the problem.


What causes Down's Syndrome?


If you explore, you will find that Down's syndrome is a genetic disorder. The primary cause of this problem is abnormal cell division. It results in extra genetic material from chromosome 21. You will also know that Down's syndrome causes a distinct facial appearance. Along with this, there is also intellectual disability and developmental delays. In addition, it is often seen that it is associated with thyroid or heart disease.

But the good news is that early intervention programs with a team of therapists and special educators who can treat each child's specific situation help manage Down's syndrome. Amongst them, Occupational therapy is seen to deliver effective results. Let us see why this is so. 


Why did Occupational Therapy work to treat Down Syndrome?


When treating Down’s Syndrome with Occupational therapy, you need to note that it primarily aims to develop and foster independence in children through meaningful activities. They first help develop muscle tone and postural control for better joint stability, upright standing, walking with balance, and efficient gross motor abilities. Then they focus on fine motor abilities to perform activities of daily living independently including the academic activities. These could include self-care, school activities, and play, among others. In addition, you will appreciate that each child is unique in their way. Thus, they respond differently to different therapy methods as well. It is why an initial assessment is essential for occupational therapists to create a child-centered or client-specific therapy framework.


Who are occupational therapists?


Suppose you wonder who occupational therapists are. First, you need to note they are, in simple language, allied health professionals- meaning they work with different health professionals within the healthcare system. 

To put it differently, it can be said occupational therapists work side by side with different health practitioners to provide the needed support for children with special needs such as Down syndrome.

It is also to be noted that, unlike other children, a child with Down syndrome requires more support and encouragement. 

They require to grow up as functioning adults that contribute to society. You need to note that the primary purpose of Occupational Therapy in children with Down Syndrome is simple. It is mainly for ensuring maximum independence and securing the highest quality of life as much as possible. 

You will also be happy to know that the current times day, with early intervention and practices that include Occupational therapy, children with Down syndrome can lead an everyday life to a certain extent. So, you need to take the advantage of the service if you are missing it any way!!

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